Day: July 16, 2015

Review of ‘Hacker for Hire’

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Ted Higuera is an ace computer tech who is trying to deal with his celebrity after saving a cruise ship from a bunch of terrorists. When the computer security firm he works for is hired to hack the most secure computer system in the world, he finds not only his skills challenged, but his life in danger.

In Hacker for Hire, the second book in the Ted Higuera series, by Pendleton C. Wallace, the author treats us to a rip-roaring ride through the world of corporate greed and computer espionage—with a big dose of bloody mayhem thrown in for good measure. You’ll find yourself sweating as you wonder if Ted can find the bad guys before they find him.

Might have more tech stuff than the non-IT types like reading, but hang in there. It’s worth the wait. I give it four stars because once I got past all the technical stuff, I enjoyed the wackiness of it.