in the spirit of murder

Review of ‘In the Spirit of Murder’

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Claudia Hershey left her job as a homicide cop in a large midwestern city, and moved with her daughter to the sleepy town of Indian Run, Florida, to get away from the dirty underbelly of police work. Now, as the only detective on the small town’s police force, she has to deal with a murdered medium, and a killer with an agenda. Fighting her outsider status on the force and in the town, and having to contend with a thirteen-year-old who is in rebellion, Hershey dogged follows murky clues, that lead to an ex-con with issues, a powerful politician with secrets to hide, and a vicious killer whose motive for killing is a mystery. When he makes it personal by snatching her daughter, Hershey goes into overdrive, and finds that her cop instincts haven’t dulled after all.

In the Spirit of Murder by Laura Belgrave is a stunning mystery/police procedural that’s a cross between Mayberry, RFD and NYPD Blue, with a little Steven King occult horror thrown in for good measure. Even the good guys have flaws in this one, but it just makes them all the more believable.

Mystery fans will enjoy this book.

I give it four stars.